JANUS supports Software ATO on SIPRNet
JANUS personnel were contracted by Headquarters, Department of the Army - Office of the Provost Marshal General (HQDA-OPMG) to create, prepare and analyze a complete Risk Management Framework (RMF) infrastructure for the DIMS-F software system. DIMS-F was currently operational under a Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) ATO that was set to expire. Previously, created software programs did not require ATO accreditation other than a Certificate of Networthiness (CoN). As of 2017, ARCYBER determined that all created software programs would be required to go through a full RMF accreditation. As a result of the outstanding work of JANUS personnel, the Government Authorizing Official, MG Glaser granted a three-year SIPRNet ATO. The Government personnel indicated the "achievement is without a doubt a reflection of the outstanding dedication and expertise of the JANUS team."